Friday, September 25, 2009

Easy Way To Practice Islam

It takes 5 minutes to perform SUBUH PRAYERS when it takes 1 hour to get ready to office.

It takes 2 seconds to say ASSALAMUALAIKUM when it takes 3 minutes to fit yours shoes.

It takes 20 minutes to do your hair when it takes 5 minutes to wear a scarf.

It takes 10 minutes to perform ZOHOR PRAYERS when it takes 45 minutes to have a lunch.

It takes 10 minutes to perform ASAR PRAYERS when it takes 1 hour to be on the phone with your friends or chatting onto the internet.

It takes 5 minutes to recite Holy Quran when it takes 2 hours to watch Hindustan.

It takes 10 minutes to perform MAGHRIB when it take 1 hour to watch TV programme.

It takes 2 seconds to say I LOVE YOU to your mum or dad or even to your siblings but it takes 60 minutes to ARGUE with them.

It takes 5 minutes to read a hadith daily when it takes 60 minutes to read ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE.

It takes 10 minutes to perform ISYAK PRAYERS when it takes 45 minutes to GET READY to bed or hours to watch midnight movies.

After all it takes two words to say SYUKUR ALHAMDULILLAH.

Selamat beramal...Happy

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